Pick up a bargain here with our special offers.
Tessa Traeger postcards
A pack of 12 retails for £4.75 but this set of nine (unboxed) is yours for a modest. £2.25 Order now!
Combination offers
Starter set
Economy collecting knife, a security chain, a mesh bag and a copy of 'Mushrooms & Toadstools' for £22.99, saving £3.29 on the usual price. £22.99 Order now!
Enthusiast's set
Standard collecting knife, belt sheath, mesh bag and a copy of 'How to Identify Edible mushrooms' for £32.99, saving £5.54 on the usual price. £32.99 Order now!
Mushroom brushes
Some bristles slightly bent but otherwise fine, reduced from £2.25 to just. £1.25 Order now!
L'Aquila Truffoil and Shake-o-cini
Short or just lapsed 'best before' dates, but perfectly good (they last for years), at 30% off our usual price. Order now!
More of the same
We often have slight seconds, products with missing or damaged packaging, dried mushrooms on short sell-by dates etc. They're available for about 30% below the usual price. Send an email to let us know what you're looking for and we'll advise on availability.
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