Fungi Foray dried mushrooms
Quality imported dried mushrooms as sold at leading retailers under the 'Fungi Foray/l'Aquila' brand. Supplied in large twist-top bags for better value - compare these quantities and prices at your local supermarket.

Porcini (Boletus edulis) 80g £6.50 Order now!
Chanterelles (Cantherellus cibarius) 90g £9.75 Order now!
Mixed forest selection (fairy ring, porcini and chanterelle) 80g £6.25 Order now!
Truffoil concentrate
Top quality extra-virgin olive oil infused with white truffle (Tuber magnatum), the most revered and precious of all fungi. Use sparingly - a few drops will add the concentrated aroma to any dish. 55ml bottle. Winner of a 'Great Taste' award from the Guild of Fine Food Retailers.  £6.25 Order now! 
'Shake-o-cini' mushroom shaker
This art-deco style metal cannister is attractive enough to place on the dinner table and contains 50g of quality powdered ceps (Boletus edulis) - a convenient way of adding the flavour of wild mushrooms to soup, pasta, rice, eggs or any savoury dish.
£4.25 Order now!
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